Looking to become an accredited health department? Want to integrate quality improvement into your operation? Need to develop and implement a performance management system? We are your here to help you. Let us help you take your operation from good to great!
Are you ready to start the accreditation journey? Our staff has completed this path and assisted local health departments with achieving accreditation. It's a rigorous process, but we've been there and we know how to cross the finish line!
Quality Improvement
Performance Management
Looking to make your processes more effective and efficient? Want to become more customer focused? Let us help through the use of PDCA or LEAN QI methodologies. We will help you use data and make necessary improvements to make your office more productive and your customers more satisfied!
Are your programs achieving their goals? Is your staff meeting the mark? Let us help you identify performance measures and targets so that you can make data driven decisions regarding your department's performance. We can help you make sure you are performing at a high level!
Community Health Improvement
Strategic Planning
Community Health Assessment
Does your community have a plan to improve public health? Is the entire public health system engaged in the process? Let our team help you develop a Community Health Improvement Plan that will infuse your community with excitement to improve the health status of your constituents!
Does your department have goals? What are your priorities? We can help you and your governing entity determine where you should be focusing your resources to have the most impact on your community!
What are the most significant public health issues in your community? What do your constituents think are the most significant public health issues in your community? We can help you develop a comprehensive CHA that will provide you with accurate data that will describe the health of your community.